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Go over a couple more details, okay?
Tell me about your debts.
What we owe for mooring. That's it.
When that kid lost his finger, we had to resurface the decks to get reinsured.
What about the loans that miles took out using the boat as collateral?
What loans?
You mean you, you know about his gambling?
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about the numerous trips he took to bc to hit the casinos?
I mean, you must have known. You... You would have.
So they didn't tell you.
Well I think he's a runaway.
He wouldn't do that.
Man loses his business, he owes money, and suddenly disappears.
You never liked him.
You'd be happy if he was dead.
I'd be happy if you'd open up your goddamn eyes.
You should be looking for him. He's lost.
I certainly hope so, sweetheart.
Because I'd hate to think that all those people out there, risking their lives
while he's in some cheap motel ordering room service.
Get out.
Loyalty is admirable, but he screwed you.
You don't owe him a god damn thing.
You think about that.
How much does he owe?
He's gonna pay everyone back.
So that's what this was all about? Him covering his debt?
What does it even matter? We'd still be in this mess.
What does it matter?
I trusted you.
using - utilizzando
trusted - di fiducia
think - pensare
thing - cosa
there - là
while - mentre
those - quelli
their - loro
known - conosciuto
happy - contento
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
matter - importa
numerous - numerose
liked - è piaciuto
decks - ponti
gambling - gioco d'azzardo
loses - perde
talking - parlando
about - di
debts - debiti
everyone - tutti
covering - copertura
goddamn - dannazione
runaway - scappa
details - Dettagli
should - dovrebbero
admirable - ammirevole
finger - dito
because - perché
casinos - casinò
disappears - scompare
business - attività commerciale
certainly - certamente
cheap - a buon mercato
collateral - collaterale
sweetheart - tesoro
gonna - andando
couple - coppia
lives - vite
would - voluto
loans - Prestiti
loyalty - lealtà
people - persone
miles - miglia
trips - viaggi
ordering - ordinazione
money - i soldi
motel - motel
never - mai
risking - rischiando
reinsured - riassicurato
resurface - riaffiorare
screwed - avvitato
mooring - ormeggio
service - servizio
suddenly - ad un tratto
still - ancora
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