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Andy. Hey, how are you?
I wondered if you wanted to go for that drink?
- I need a friend. - You and Nicholas Hardiment.
That's a nice piece of work, isn't it?
I get it from his point of view.
He's always been a cheating wanker.
Loves having his cake and eating it.
But since when did your standards drop so low?
You could have anyone.
- All you have to do is bat your eyes. - Andy.
I care a lot about Beth.
She helped me out when I was at rock bottom.
I'm not going to split them up.
- It's just... - A bit of fun?
It's none of your bloody business.
Andy Cobb knows.
Has he told Beth?
I don't know, but he might. And I wouldn't blame him.
I suppose it has to come out sometime.
Does it?
It's a good thing. Feels like a relief.
It means we can start to think about our plans for the future.
What future?
It's been hard for you, sharing me with Beth.
But I'm yours now. I'm gonna leave her.
Mr. Hardiment. It's time.
I want a new life with you.
wondered - chiesti
wanker - segaiolo
thing - cosa
split - diviso
since - da
relief - sollievo
wanted - ricercato
sharing - compartecipazione
piece - pezzo
start - inizio
nicholas - nicholas
standards - norme
might - potrebbe
sometime - a volte
point - punto
friend - amico
means - si intende
anyone - chiunque
business - attività commerciale
bottom - parte inferiore
hardiment - hardiment
bloody - sanguinoso
about - di
always - sempre
could - poteva
suppose - supporre
plans - piani
future - futuro
eating - mangiare
feels - si sente
going - andando
gonna - andando
drink - bere
having - avendo
think - pensare
helped - aiutato
knows - conosce
yours - il tuo
cheating - imbrogliare
leave - partire
blame - colpa
loves - ama
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