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Don't leave me!
You crazy son of a bitch!
You smashed up the lifeboat!
You're abandoning your post!
What're you gonna do?
Send for the lighthouse establishment?
Certain, says I!
I'll report you, I'll bring the inspector up...
I'll report you!
I know what you done!
Who's reporting who? Ephraim Winslow?
Or Thomas Howard?
I know what you done.
You killed your second.
Your one-eyed junior man.
I found him.
In the lobster pot.
Said he went mad?
You made him mad with that charm!
That scrimshaw trinket.
But I broke it, see.
Now I'm free.
I'm free from your designs!
And I got it all figured out,
Except what's the secret mischief your keeping...
Up there!
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Tommy.
Last night you made a confession
that would make a saint swear.
I don't have nothing to confess,
but you, spilling your beans,
look what it's done to you.
It's made you mad!
And I knew you was mad
when you smashed up that lifeboat just now,
a-chasing me with an axe, trying to kill Ol' Tom.
Don't you trust me, Tommy?
winslow - Winslow
trying - provare
jesus - Gesù
secret - segreto
inspector - ispettore
swear - giurare
howard - howard
gonna - andando
would - voluto
smashed - fracassato
found - trovato
bring - portare
figured - figurato
leave - partire
designs - disegni
crazy - pazzo
reporting - segnalazione
trinket - gingillo
bitch - cagna
there - là
certain - certo
beans - fagioli
lighthouse - faro
saint - santo
confess - confessare
ephraim - efraim
confession - confessione
broke - rotto
except - tranne
charm - fascino
junior - junior
joseph - joseph
keeping - conservazione
scrimshaw - scrimshaw
killed - ucciso
lifeboat - scialuppa di salvataggio
lobster - aragosta
night - notte
nothing - niente
report - rapporto
chasing - caccia
abandoning - abbandonando
second - secondo
spilling - versamento
establishment - istituzione
thomas - tommaso
mischief - dispetto
tommy - tommy
trust - fiducia
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