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Oh, thank goodness
I'm so glad you're home
Confounded machine!
You never know when it's going to up and blow! - Yes...
I don't suppose you would remember me..
Yes, you're Mrs. Brisby.
And I am sorry about your husband's death.
Now if you'll excuse me... - Mr. Ages!
Great Jupiter, woman, what do you want?
Mr. Ages, I know you don't like visitors, but this is an emergency!
Madam, that is an emergency.
Oh Mr. Ages, my son Timothy is so sick!
Timmy? The one with the spider bite?
Oh, just give him some pepsissiwa root and... - No!
No, he's sick with a fever!
Well... I suppose I could fix up something...
Oh thank you! - Follow me, but don't touch anything!
I do appreciate it... - Just how high is his fever?
He's burning hot to the touch. - Hm, yes. - He's soaking wet with perspiration...
...and there's a raspy sound when he breathes.
A raspy sound you say? Well..
Does he have a chill?
Yes, he does.
Have you wrapped him in a blanket? - Yes.
Now step inside, but keep your hands to yourself!
I'm right in the middle of... something very important. - I understand. Oh, do you?
Look at this mess...
Oh, shoo, shoo, go on!
Your son has pneumonia.
Pneumonia? - It's not uncommon, but you can die from it.
Oh please dear God, no.
Your son must stay in bed. Bundle him up.
Not to go outside...
But how long must... - Three weeks.
He cannot be moved for at least three weeks. - But Moving Day is nearly here!
You asked my advice, and I gave it to you! - I'm sorry.
He must stay in bed.
Now, mix this... this powder in a broth and make him drink it.
It'll bring down the fever. - Oh, bless you sir!
And bless yourself, you'll need it.
Now, you must excuse me...
You know the way out.
Oh, of course.
Thank you once again... Shoo shoo shoo. Go on now. Go on.
Thank you so...
...much. Goodbye.
yourself - te stesso
wrapped - avvolto
weeks - settimane
visitors - visitatori
uncommon - raro
touch - toccare
timothy - Timoteo
three - tre
suppose - supporre
sorry - scusa
understand - capire
soaking - ammollo
raspy - roca
goodness - bontà
great - grande
could - poteva
emergency - emergenza
woman - donna
chill - freddo
bundle - fascio
cannot - non può
death - morte
bring - portare
right - destra
jupiter - Giove
important - importante
advice - consigli
hands - mani
something - qualcosa
inside - dentro
middle - in mezzo
thank - ringraziare
anything - qualsiasi cosa
remember - ricorda
broth - brodo
breathes - respira
timmy - timmy
spider - ragno
appreciate - apprezzare
sound - suono
about - di
course - corso
follow - segui
goodbye - addio
please - per favore
moving - in movimento
again - ancora
pneumonia - polmonite
asked - chiesto
excuse - scusa
confounded - confuso
burning - ardente
blanket - coperta
madam - szanowna pani
fever - febbre
would - voluto
least - meno
machine - macchina
drink - bere
bless - benedire
outside - al di fuori
nearly - quasi
moved - mosso
going - andando
perspiration - sudore
never - mai
pepsissiwa - pepsissiwa
powder - polvere
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