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Hey, Andy, what are you doing
for lunch?
I don't know.
I have a turkey sandwich.
We're gonna go around the corner.
I think you should come with us.
This is a great place.
A lot of cute girls.
We brought you a shirt.
This place is pretty fancy.
Hey, who's ready
to have some fun?
No, don't ignore me.
I know what this is.
Within one hour,
you'll each have 20 dates.
Don't... Please don't do this.
I saw this on Primetime Live.
All right, ninja master.
We've given you all the advice
we have to give.
Now you gonna put it
in action.
Advice? You guys all
gave me different advice.
- He thinks you're a pothead.
- I am.
What are you whining about?
- You asked for this shit.
- No, I didn't.
Would you just quit whining
like a bitch?
You are whining like a bitch.
And you about to cram like 10
years of pimpage into one day.
- I don't want to cram pimpage.
- Partner, after that
you're on my level. Come on.
- Hi.
- Hi. How are you?
I'm fine.
- Are you fine?
- Yeah.
You're fine then?
Are you fucking retarded? What
the hell's the matter with you?
Do you want me to be
fucking retarded?
When I look into the eyes of
the children and the parents
and they are smiling
and saying,
"Thank you, Dr. Montalban,
you saved my child",
it was worth it.
- Amy, what are you doing here?
- David.
- And you are Gina?
- Gina.
- Hey, what's up?
- Nothing.
Look, I'm going to be
real honest with you.
It's been a long time
since I've been with a man.
Spent a lot of time
with the ladies.
Looking to get back up
on that pogo stick.
- You know what I'm saying?
- Excuse me.
Remember that time when we made
love and you just, you cried in my arms?
Please don't reminisce about
the times we fucked, please.
- It's so creepy.
- Let's go to Paris.
I want to take you underneath the
Eiffel Tower and make love to you.
- Cut it out.
- Cut what out?
This go to Paris! We've been
broken up for like two years, man.
I don't want to
date you anymore.
You're a whore.
I am not a whore.
I just didn't like you.
This is so us.
- Psycho talk.
- What?
- You're a good-looking man.
- Thank you.
Very pretty.
Real soft, delicate features.
You're real feminine, you
know, which is good for me
because that would be
a simple sort of transition.
You know what I'm saying?
Maybe throw a little rouge
on you, tuck your sac back.
- You game?
- No.
You need to stop fucking
around with my friend, okay?
Because you're giving him hope,
and it's driving the man crazy.
I moved, I changed my e-mail
address, my phone number.
Okay, he's practically
stalking me.
Well, I didn't know all that.
So, I'm sorry.
would - voluto
worth - di valore
within - entro
lunch - pranzo
nothing - niente
tower - torre
saying - detto
going - andando
moved - mosso
smiling - sorridente
fucking - cazzo
girls - ragazze
fucked - scopata
great - grande
delicate - delicato
years - anni
number - numero
excuse - scusa
given - dato
maybe - può essere
practically - in pratica
feminine - femminile
because - perché
david - david
reminisce - ricordare
gonna - andando
children - bambini
anymore - più
bitch - cagna
saved - salvato
after - dopo
different - diverso
parents - genitori
ready - pronto
stalking - lo stalking
times - volte
about - di
action - azione
little - piccolo
level - livello
advice - consigli
driving - guida
asked - chiesto
crazy - pazzo
broken - rotto
ladies - le signore
throw - gettare
child - bambino
pothead - pothead
fancy - fantasia
rouge - rossetto
around - in giro
corner - angolo
place - posto
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
ignore - ignorare
cried - gridò
honest - onesto
changed - cambiato
dates - date
phone - telefono
primetime - prima serata
underneath - sotto
brought - portato
master - maestro
matter - importa
montalban - Montalban
ninja - ninja
paris - Parigi
partner - compagno
address - indirizzo
thinks - pensa
since - da
pimpage - pimpage
creepy - raccapricciante
please - per favore
friend - amico
pretty - bella
psycho - psicopatico
remember - ricorda
giving - dando
retarded - ritardato
right - destra
sandwich - sandwich
shirt - camicia
should - dovrebbero
simple - semplice
stick - bastone
sorry - scusa
spent - speso
doing - fare
thank - ringraziare
think - pensare
which - quale
transition - transizione
turkey - tacchino
eiffel - eiffel
features - caratteristiche
whining - piagnisteo
whore - puttana
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