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Hey, does Michael get the family discount at Taco Bell?
Because if he does, Sean's gonna lose a few stores.
He's a good kid.
Well, I say you make it official and just adopt him.
He's gonna be 18 in a few months.
Doesn't really make much sense to legally adopt.
Leigh Anne. But is this some sort of white-guilt thing?
What will your daddy say?
Um... Before or after he turns over in his grave?
Daddy's been gone five years, Elaine.
Make matters worse, you were at the funeral. Remember?
You wore Chanel and that awful black hat.
Look, here's the deal.
I don't need y'all to approve my choices, all right?
But I do ask that you respect them.
You have no idea what this boy's been through.
And if this is gonna become some running diatribe...
...I can find an overpriced salad a lot closer to home.
- Leigh Anne, I'm so sorry. We didn't intend to- - No, we didn't, really.
I think what you're doing is so great.
To open up your home to him?
Honey, you're changing that boy's life.
No. He's changing mine.
years - anni
worse - peggio
grave - tomba
really - veramente
discount - sconto
elaine - elaine
leigh - leigh
funeral - funerale
doing - fare
matters - questioni
daddy - papà
choices - scelte
changing - mutevole
awful - terribile
because - perché
remember - ricorda
turns - giri
great - grande
after - dopo
running - in esecuzione
diatribe - diatriba
become - diventare
before - prima
closer - più vicino
sorry - scusa
black - nero
approve - approvare
gonna - andando
salad - insalata
chanel - chanel
guilt - colpa
months - mesi
family - famiglia
through - attraverso
honey - miele
think - pensare
sense - senso
adopt - adottare
intend - avere intenzione
legally - legalmente
official - ufficiale
overpriced - caro
michael - michael
respect - rispetto
right - destra
stores - i negozi
thing - cosa
white - bianca
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