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I have a confession
I have to make to you.
- You're married?
- No.
- You're divorced?
- No.
- Do you have a disease?
- No. Please stop.
I'm in love with you.
Not just from tonight. I've
known you for a long time.
I know that you come out
from work at noon every day.
And you fight your way out that door,
then you get pushed back in...
three seconds later
you come back out again.
And I... I walk with you to lunch,
and I know if it's a good day...
if you stop and get that romance novel
at that bookstore.
I know what you order, and I know
on Wednesdays you go to that dim sum parlor.
And I know that you get a jawbreaker
before you go back in to work.
And I know you hate your job
and you don't have many friends.
And I know sometimes you feel
a little uncoordinated...
and you don't feel as wonderful
as everybody else...
feeling as alone and separate
as you feel you are.
I love you.
I love you.
And I think you're the greatest thing
since spice racks.
And I'd be knocked out several times
if I could just have that first kiss.
And I won't... I won't be distant.
I'll come back in the morning,
and I'll call you, if you let me.
But I still don't drink coffee.
You're real. Aren't you?
wonderful - meraviglioso
wednesdays - mercoledì
later - dopo
greatest - più grande
uncoordinated - scoordinato
times - volte
jawbreaker - jawbreaker
friends - amici
first - primo
drink - bere
divorced - divorziato
disease - malattia
everybody - tutti
every - dejte pozor
bookstore - libreria
still - ancora
before - prima
again - ancora
coffee - caffè
little - piccolo
confession - confessione
alone - da solo
think - pensare
feeling - sensazione
distant - lontano
knocked - bussato
romance - romanza
parlor - salotto
pushed - spinto
novel - romanzo
order - ordine
seconds - secondi
please - per favore
fight - combattimento
racks - cremagliere
separate - separato
several - parecchi
could - poteva
since - da
known - conosciuto
three - tre
sometimes - a volte
married - sposato
spice - spezia
lunch - pranzo
thing - cosa
morning - mattina
tonight - stasera
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