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The Fisher King - The Greatest Thing Since Spice Racks (It)

Scena tratta dal film La leggenda del re pescatore
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    I have a confession
    I have to make to you.

    - You're married?
    - No.

    - You're divorced?
    - No.

    - Do you have a disease?
    - No. Please stop.

    I'm in love with you.

    Not just from tonight. I've
    known you for a long time.

    I know that you come out
    from work at noon every day.

    And you fight your way out that door,
    then you get pushed back in...

    three seconds later
    you come back out again.

    And I... I walk with you to lunch,
    and I know if it's a good day...

    if you stop and get that romance novel
    at that bookstore.

    I know what you order, and I know
    on Wednesdays you go to that dim sum parlor.

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