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The Last Kiss - Lying About Cheating (It)

Scena tratta dal film The Last Kiss
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    - What are you talking about?
    - I want to know who she is.

    You're blowing this
    way out of proportion.

    Who were you with, Michael?

    This girl I met. It was nothing.
    It was nothing.

    Did you have sex with her?

    Tell me. Did you cheat on me, asshole?

    I kissed her.

    It was one kiss
    and it meant absolutely nothing, baby!

    I did such a stupid thing!

    - It was a stupid thing. I'm so sorry.
    - You make me sick, you fucking slut.

    "Kim"? You have her number
    programmed into your cell phone?

    - Who is this dirty whore?
    - I didn't sleep with her!

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