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- What are you talking about?
- I want to know who she is.
You're blowing this
way out of proportion.
Who were you with, Michael?
This girl I met. It was nothing.
It was nothing.
Did you have sex with her?
Tell me. Did you cheat on me, asshole?
I kissed her.
It was one kiss
and it meant absolutely nothing, baby!
I did such a stupid thing!
- It was a stupid thing. I'm so sorry.
- You make me sick, you fucking slut.
"Kim"? You have her number
programmed into your cell phone?
- Who is this dirty whore?
- I didn't sleep with her!
- No. But you wanted to, right?
- No!
- Bullshit. Is she prettier than me?
- No!
- Liar!
- No, Jen!
What am I supposed to do now, huh?
What the fuck am I supposed to do now?
You've ruined everything!
Will you listen to me?
Nothing happened!
Nothing? You kissed her.
You were out with another woman
all night. I'm pregnant.
- Is that fucking nothing to you?
- Yes! No!
How many times did you kiss her?
Don't you dare lie to me.
Several times.
Oh, God, you make me sick!
But it didn't mean anything, baby.
She made me realize
I want to spend the rest of my life
with you. I know that now.
I'm three months pregnant and you're
already out trying to fuck other women!
What's gonna happen
10 years from now?
How could I ever trust
anything you say again?
Fuck you, man. It's over.
I'll tell you when you can come back
and get your shit.
Maybe Kimmy can help you pack.
- Jenna, we're having a baby.
- No.
No, I am the one having this baby.
I'm the pregnant one, not you.
And she's better off with no father
than a lying asshole like you!
You're overreacting.
It was a couple kisses.
After three years, Jenna, things happen.
- Not to me, they don't! Get out!
- And go where?
Get out of here! Go back to fucking Kim!
What, are you gonna fucking stab me,
Fuck you! Fuck you!
years - anni
woman - donna
whore - puttana
where - dove
trying - provare
times - volte
three - tre
things - cose
supposed - ipotetico
stupid - stupido
spend - trascorrere
sorry - scusa
prettier - più bella
bullshit - cazzate
listen - ascolta
father - padre
everything - qualunque cosa
wanted - ricercato
dirty - sporco
cheat - truffare
absolutely - assolutamente
fucking - cazzo
sleep - dormire
gonna - andando
couple - coppia
could - poteva
blowing - soffiando
realize - rendersi conto
after - dopo
meant - significava
women - donne
ruined - rovinato
asshole - stronzo
happen - accadere
lying - dire bugie
already - già
kissed - baciata
another - un altro
anything - qualsiasi cosa
happened - è accaduto
again - ancora
trust - fiducia
jenna - jenna
better - meglio
kimmy - Kimmy
kisses - baci
proportion - proporzione
maybe - può essere
pregnant - incinta
michael - michael
months - mesi
programmed - programmato
night - notte
thing - cosa
nothing - niente
number - numero
talking - parlando
about - di
other - altro
overreacting - esagerando
having - avendo
phone - telefono
right - destra
several - parecchi
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