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The Lovely Bones - She's Gone (It)

Scena tratta dal film Amabili resti
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    I never knew what that meant.

    I used to think it meant lost. Frozen.

    It means gone. She's gone.

    What if she isn't?

    What if she's still here?

    - You not supposed to do that. - What?

    - Who are you? - She saw you, that girl.

    - I think my hand touched hers. - Yes, that's all it takes.

    She carry you now for the rest of her life.

    You are not supposed to look back. You are supposed to keep going.

    Hey! Come back. Wait! Who are you?

    I'm Holly. Holly go lightly.

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