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But if you could just
think back
I mean she was wearing a blue
jacket, yellow corduroys
Similar clothes to... to these.
- This blue jacket here?
- The darker blue jacket.
And on the second photograph
you can see the pants.
No, it does not ring a bell.
But you were at home that day?
- What day?
- Last Wednesday.
Last Wednesday... Um, no - I was home all day.
I mean, I... I probably
went out and ran a few errands
or something like
that, but I mean, um...
I should have been here all day,
for most part.
Ok, good..
- You married?
- I was.
- But You have kids?
- No I wish, I wish.
- You mind if I take a look?
- No.
I make everything myself.
- Really?
- Oh yeah, all this. I... I turn all the banisters myself
make all the shingles
and the furniture...
I used to do cabinet making, but there's
not much call for that these days.
Maybe I spend too much
time on these things, but...
that's the perfectionist in me.
I guess.
- All it shows.
- Thank you.
- That's amazing craftsmanship.
- Oh, well...
I took a risk and tried
something new, and
discovered a talent that
I didn't know I had.
What's that underneath
the stairs?
That would be the basement.
wednesday - mercoledì
underneath - sotto
these - queste
thank - ringraziare
stairs - le scale
spend - trascorrere
think - pensare
things - cose
something - qualcosa
similar - simile
should - dovrebbero
second - secondo
really - veramente
yellow - giallo
probably - probabilmente
shows - Spettacoli
discovered - scoperto
wearing - indossare
darker - più scuro
tried - provato
shingles - herpes zoster
basement - seminterrato
could - poteva
myself - me stessa
amazing - stupefacente
banisters - ringhiera
cabinet - consiglio dei ministri
would - voluto
married - sposato
clothes - abiti
errands - commissioni
furniture - mobilia
guess - indovina
pants - pantaloni
talent - talento
craftsmanship - artigianato
photograph - fotografia
corduroys - velluto a coste
everything - qualunque cosa
jacket - giacca
making - fabbricazione
perfectionist - perfezionista
maybe - può essere
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