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What do you want to do with him?
How 'bout we take him over
into that mine there?
This is as good a place as any.
Into the mine, Faraday.
If you're gonna kill me, kill me.
If you're gonna rob me, rob me.
But I will not go in that mine.
There's rats in there.
Virginia City? Three days past?
Best you remember who'd you cheat
out of fifty dollars in a card game!
I assure you I did not have to cheat
to beat the likes of you two.
Gentlemen, allow me a moment
to show you something quite miraculous.
You just show us our money, Faraday!
Fifty-two cards.
- Pick a card.
- We ain't playing no game.
You've got the drop on me.
You'll get a hoot out of this.
Come on, Earl,
just pick one real quick.
You know how I like magic.
- All right, keep the gun on him.
- Got it trained right on him.
No tricks now.
Don't let me see it.
Show your associate.
Commit the card to memory.
When you're ready,
put the card back in the deck.
Keep your gun on me.
That's very good, Earl.
Now, there's no way
I can know what your card is
because I didn't see it.
- Yet...
- Come on. Let's go!
With a shuffle and a cut, miraculously,
your card.
That ain't his card.
Man, you ain't no magic man.
That's not it? Hold on.
Quit playing around
before I blow your Goddamn head off.
Oh, remember the plan, Earl.
I get to kill him.
You didn't let me finish.
Your card was the king of hearts, right?
Is this your card?
Now, you see? That was
worth it, wasn't it?
- That was kind of good.
- Pretty good.
You just killed my brother.
- Should I kill you?
- No. Please.
Would you like to see
another magic trick?
It's called The Incredible...
Disappearing... Ear.
Oh, my ear!
We are never gonna
cross paths again.
Please don't kill me.
Keep your money, please.
I didn't want to kill him.
He shouldn't have touched my guns.
would - voluto
worth - di valore
virginia - Virginia
tricks - trucchi
trick - trucco
trained - allenato
touched - toccato
three - tre
there - là
before - prima
magic - magia
fifty - cinquanta
finish - finire
cards - carte
memory - memoria
cross - attraversare
cheat - truffare
something - qualcosa
gentlemen - gentiluomini
shuffle - rimescolare
faraday - faraday
gonna - andando
brother - fratello
around - in giro
allow - permettere
again - ancora
associate - socio
commit - commettere
another - un altro
place - posto
dollars - dollari
quick - veloce
miraculous - miracoloso
called - chiamato
hearts - cuori
incredible - incredibile
quite - abbastanza
because - perché
paths - percorsi
playing - giocando
please - per favore
disappearing - scomparendo
likes - piace
miraculously - miracolosamente
moment - momento
money - i soldi
never - mai
pretty - bella
goddamn - dannazione
ready - pronto
remember - ricorda
right - destra
assure - assicurare
killed - ucciso
should - dovrebbero
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