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The Magnificent Seven - Farraday's Magic Trick (It)

Scena tratta dal film I magnifici 7
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    What do you want to do with him?

    How 'bout we take him over
    into that mine there?

    This is as good a place as any.

    Into the mine, Faraday.

    If you're gonna kill me, kill me.

    If you're gonna rob me, rob me.

    But I will not go in that mine.

    There's rats in there.

    Virginia City? Three days past?

    Best you remember who'd you cheat
    out of
    fifty dollars in a card game!

    I assure you I did not have to cheat
    to beat the likes of you two.

    Gentlemen, allow me a moment
    to show you something quite miraculous.

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