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What's the matter now?
Oh. I got this... My ears are filling up.
I got this sinus condition.
It's the change in temperature. I always get it from air conditioning.
- Maybe it'll go away. - No. It's all part of my allergies.
- I get them in the summer. - Only in the summer?
And in the winter too. I get them all year long.
I'm allergic to foods and pillows and curtains and perfumes. Heh.
Can you imagine that? Allergic to perfumes.
That used to drive Frances crazy.
For a while, she couldn't wear anything except my aftershave lotion.
I was impossible to live with.
Stop that, will you? What are you doing?
I'm trying to clear up my ears. Fmah.
You create a pressure inside your head.
It opens up the eustachian tube.
Did it open up?
I think I strained my throat.
trying - provare
throat - gola
temperature - temperatura
summer - estate
strained - teso
perfumes - profumi
winter - inverno
sinus - seno
opens - si apre
matter - importa
think - pensare
lotion - lozione
pillows - cuscini
conditioning - condizionata
condition - condizione
change - modificare
pressure - pressione
clear - chiaro
aftershave - dopobarba
anything - qualsiasi cosa
allergic - allergico
crazy - pazzo
foods - alimenti
always - sempre
allergies - allergie
inside - dentro
create - creare
except - tranne
curtains - le tende
doing - fare
while - mentre
drive - guidare
eustachian - d'eustachio
filling - riempimento
frances - frances
imagine - immaginare
maybe - può essere
impossible - impossibile
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