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And who are you?
Mary, Your Grace.
Anne's sister.
You've been here all the time?
How could I have overlooked you?
Next to Anne, it's easy to do.
And you're married.
Yes, Your Grace, to William Carey.
Then why haven't I seen you at court?
Because I've persuaded him
to spend a year or two here first.
We have a small manor.
Nothing much,
but enough to start a family.
Charmed life in the country,
away from it all.
You don't think he'll miss court?
A young ambitious man.
He says not, Your Majesty.
But if he ever changed his mind... his wife, of course,
I would do his bidding.
william - william
think - pensare
start - inizio
spend - trascorrere
family - famiglia
course - corso
charmed - ammaliato
changed - cambiato
ambitious - ambizioso
young - giovane
enough - abbastanza
because - perché
would - voluto
married - sposato
first - primo
carey - carey
grace - grazia
bidding - offerta
majesty - maestà
country - nazione
manor - proprietà terriera
court - tribunale
nothing - niente
sister - sorella
overlooked - trascurato
could - poteva
persuaded - persuasi
small - piccolo
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