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what would you do with a brain if you had one?
Do? Why, if I had a brain, I could.
I could while away the hours conferrin' with the flowers
Consultin' with the rain
And my head I'd be scratchin' while my thoughts were busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain
I'd unravel every riddle for any individle in trouble or in pain
With the thoughts you'd be thinkin' you could be another Lincoln
If you only had a brain
Oh, I... Could tell you why...
The ocean's near the shore
I could think of things I never thought before
And then I'd sit and think some more
I would not be just a nuffin' my head all full of stuffin'
My heart all full of pain
I would dance and be merry, life would be a ding-a-derry
If I only had a brain
Wonderful! Why if our scarecrow back in Kansas could do that
The crows would be scared to pieces
They would?
- Where's Kansas? - That's where I live
and I want to get back there so badly
I'm going all the way to Emerald city to get the Wizard of OZ to help me
You're going to see a wizard?
Do you think if I went with you, This Wizard would give me some brains?
I couldn't say
But even if he didn't you would be no worse off than you are now
Yes that's true
But may be you better not
I've got a witch mad at me and you might get into trouble
witch? huh, I'm not afraid of a witch
I'm not afraid of anything
Except a lighted match
I don't blame you for that
But I'd face a whole box full of them for the chance of getting some brains
Look I won't be any trouble because I don't eat a thing
and I won't try to manage things because I can't think
But won't you take me with you?
Why, of course I will
All right! we are off to see a wizard
would - voluto
worse - peggio
wizard - procedura guidata
witch - strega
whole - totale
while - mentre
where - dove
unravel - sbrogliare
going - andando
lincoln - lincoln
except - tranne
another - un altro
flowers - fiori
derry - Derry
pieces - pezzi
thoughts - pensieri
wonderful - meraviglioso
dance - danza
crows - corvi
brain - cervello
could - poteva
anything - qualsiasi cosa
scarecrow - spaventapasseri
emerald - smeraldo
before - prima
chance - opportunità
thing - cosa
individle - dejte pozor
badly - male
match - incontro
heart - cuore
getting - ottenere
better - meglio
blame - colpa
thought - pensato
riddle - enigma
trouble - guaio
kansas - Kansas
hours - ore
lighted - illuminato
because - perché
every - dejte pozor
shore - puntellare
manage - gestire
afraid - impaurito
never - mai
merry - allegro
brains - mente
might - potrebbe
right - destra
scared - impaurito
there - là
course - corso
things - cose
think - pensare
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