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- What'd you do?
- I'm a robber.
- You're a bank robber?
- No. No. I rob no banks. Come on.
What do you rob?
Well, let's see.
Let's add it up here.
I robbed a gas station, a couple
convenience stores, liquor stores.
Oh, my God. How?.
First, you pick your place, right?
Then I sit back and watch it
for a little while,
wait for that right moment
to make my move, you see.
That shit cannot be taught.
And...then. Oh. Shit, I don't want
to talk about this.
All right. Then I'dwaltz right in.
Yep. And I just can waltz
on in and I say,
Ladies, Gentlemen. Let's see who wins the prize
for keeping their cool.
Everybody down on the floor.
Now! Nobody lose their head,
and nobody loses their head.
You, sir, yeah, you do the honours.
Take that cash and put it
in the bag right there,
you got an amazing story
to tell your friends.
If not, you got
a tag on your toe. You decide.
Simple as that.
Then I just slip on out and
get the hell out of Dodge, yeah.
My goodness. You were sure
gentlemanly about it
I've always believed, if
done properly
armed robbery doesn't have to be
a totally unpleasant experience.
- What?
- You're a real live outlaw, aren't you?
Well, I may be an outlaw, darling, but
you're the one stealing my heart.
- You're smooth.
- Isn't he? That's right.
watch - orologio
totally - totalmente
honours - onori
about - di
goodness - bontà
friends - amici
robbery - rapina
banks - banche
experience - esperienza
believed - creduto
armed - armato
amazing - stupefacente
cannot - non può
first - primo
unpleasant - sgradevole
everybody - tutti
waltz - valzer
dodge - schivare
decide - decidere
outlaw - fuorilegge
darling - tesoro
ladies - le signore
always - sempre
gentlemen - gentiluomini
loses - perde
couple - coppia
stores - i negozi
keeping - conservazione
properly - propriamente
liquor - liquore
gentlemanly - da gentiluomo
little - piccolo
heart - cuore
moment - momento
convenience - convenienza
nobody - nessuno
station - stazione
place - posto
prize - premio
right - destra
floor - pavimento
simple - semplice
robbed - derubato
robber - rapinatore
story - storia
stealing - furto
taught - insegnato
while - mentre
their - loro
smooth - liscio
there - là
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