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- Happy birthday. - Don't remind me.
Bella, your birth is definitely something to celebrate.
- But my aging's not. - Your aging?
I think 18 is a little young to start worrying about that.
Its one year older than you.
No, it isn't. I'm 109.
Well, maybe I shouldn't be dating such an old man.
It's gross. I should be thoroughly repulsed.
- We have to go to class. - Okay.
Wait a second.
Someone wants you.
- Bella! - Jacob!
I'll leave you to talk.
Hello, biceps! You know, anabolic steroids are really bad for you.
Well, I'm just filling out, Bella.
You know, it wouldn't seem so drastic if we hung out more.
You should switch schools. You can come hang out with the palefaces.
I'm all right. I prefer the rez school's exclusivity.
They let any old riffraff into this place.
I see. Then why are you slumming it?
I was just buying a part for the Rabbit.
You should really come take a ride when it's done.
Is it fast?
It's decent.
- I'm kidding. - Okay. Good.
Hey, happy birthday.
Your dad told my dad, so...
Yeah, of course he did.
I saw this the other day and thought of you.
Catches bad dreams.
That's kind of perfect.
Thank you.
No problem.
- Good seeing you. - Yeah, I'll see you later.
young - giovane
thought - pensato
thoroughly - a fondo
wants - vuole
think - pensare
switch - interruttore
steroids - steroidi
worrying - preoccupante
something - qualcosa
someone - qualcuno
decent - decente
leave - partire
older - più vecchio
anabolic - anabolico
dating - incontri
slumming - slumming
kidding - prendendo in giro
prefer - preferire
rabbit - coniglio
class - classe
aging - invecchiamento
bella - bella
birth - nascita
filling - riempimento
exclusivity - esclusività
maybe - può essere
schools - scuole
birthday - compleanno
course - corso
palefaces - visi pallidi
celebrate - celebrare
second - secondo
drastic - drastico
catches - le catture
biceps - bicipite
happy - contento
jacob - Giacobbe
perfect - perfezionare
later - dopo
start - inizio
problem - problema
gross - schifoso
dreams - sogni
little - piccolo
about - di
other - altro
place - posto
really - veramente
hello - ciao
buying - acquisto
remind - ricordare
riffraff - marmaglia
right - destra
thank - ringraziare
seeing - vedendo
definitely - decisamente
repulsed - respinto
should - dovrebbero
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