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Mummy, enough is enough.
You will drop this Munshi business forthwith.
Do you hear me?
Did you really think the...
...the household would countenance such an insult?
I will not be disobeyed.
No. No.
I have put up with you for over 50 years!
You will drop this forthwith, or...?
- Or, or, or, or, Bertie? - Or
we will have you certified insane!
And removed from office immediately.
Here are the papers signed by Dr. Reid.
I am 81 years of age.
I've had nine children and 42 grandchildren,
and have almost a billion citizens.
I have rheumatism,
a collapsed uterus,
I'm morbidly obese and deaf in one ear.
I have known 11 prime ministers
and passed 2,347 pieces of legislation.
I've been in office 62 years, 234 days.
Thus, I am the longest-serving monarch in world history.
I'm responsible for five households
and a staff of over 3,000.
I am cantankerous,
boring, greedy, fat, ill-tempered,
at times selfish and myopic,
both metaphorically and literally.
I am perhaps disagreeably attached to power
and should not have smashed the emperor of Russia's egg.
But I am anything but insane.
If the household wish to disobey me, so be it.
Let them do it to my face.
I will see everyone in the durbar room at once.
years - anni
world - mondo
uterus - utero
think - pensare
tempered - temperato
staff - personale
would - voluto
smashed - fracassato
should - dovrebbero
serving - servendo
selfish - egoista
rheumatism - reumatismo
responsible - responsabile
really - veramente
everyone - tutti
disobeyed - disobbedito
countenance - viso
enough - abbastanza
ministers - ministri
durbar - durbar
boring - noioso
bertie - Bertie
pieces - pezzi
prime - primo
collapsed - collassata
anything - qualsiasi cosa
almost - quasi
attached - allegato
times - volte
power - energia
forthwith - immediatamente
citizens - cittadini
papers - documenti
history - storia
passed - passato
business - attività commerciale
certified - certificato
insane - folle
perhaps - forse
disagreeably - sgradevolmente
cantankerous - irascibile
munshi - munshi
disobey - disobbedire
greedy - avido
myopic - miope
household - domestico
mummy - mummia
households - famiglie
signed - firmato
immediately - subito
insult - insulto
metaphorically - metaforicamente
emperor - imperatore
known - conosciuto
legislation - legislazione
grandchildren - nipoti
morbidly - morbosamente
literally - letteralmente
monarch - monarca
longest - più lunga
removed - rimosso
children - bambini
obese - obeso
billion - miliardo
office - ufficio
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