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Pronuncia di anything in Inglese

qualsiasi cosa
  • qualcosa
  • tutto
  • qualunque cosa
  • per niente
  • in qualche modo

Esempi dai film con Anything

No, you may not, Colonel. You may not do anything.
Valkyrie - No Handed
I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life.
Forrest Gump - Peas and Carrots
More that anything else in her life she wants to see Paris...
Groundhog Day - Phil's a God
I wasn't saddled with anything. It's Coraline.
Coraline - Why Were You Born
- What? I didn't hear anything. - Oh, I definitely heard someone,
Coraline - Why Were You Born
but I can't do anything with your easy words.
Closer - Who Are You?
Do you have anything else you wanna say?
Mean Girls - Girls Gone Wild!
Now, notice how in the count room nobody ever seems to see anything.
Casino - The Count Room
- I didn't say anything. - Home-schooled.
Mean Girls - Meeting the Plastics
anything that if we find him, we'll get our pictures in the paper.
Stand by Me - The Body
For a while, she couldn't wear anything except my aftershave lotion.
The Odd Couple - Clearing Sinuses
I mean, no coveralls. You... I can't ever think of anything else.
Fifty Shades of Grey - Rope, Tape and Cable Ties
In other words, you don't care what I do or... or who I fuck or anything?
Revolutionary Road - I've Been With a Girl a Few Times
as, uh, anything I've heard in rock.
American Psycho - Sussudio
- Do we have anything on the budget today? - No, I don't think so.
Dave - Balancing the Budget
The problem is, if anything more goes wrong, they're in real trouble.
Apollo 13 - Duct Tape and Cardboard
- Takin' lunch orders, Mr. Reede. Anything ? - No, thanks.
Liar Liar - Big Liar
I don't know anything about sports. You know what?
Trainwreck - Sports? I Love Them
I need to be with my children, and I'll do anything to do that.
Mrs. Doubtfire - I Do Voices

Pronuncia audio di Anything

Pronuncia americana

Anything pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Anything pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Anything pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Anything pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Anything pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Anything pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Anything pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Anything pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Anything pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Anything pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Anything pronunciato da Brian (uomo)