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Pronuncia di father in Inglese

  • babbo

Esempi dai film con Father

And he watched his father die from the cancer he caught in the steelworks.
Frost/Nixon - No Holds Barred
I will go there, then do it in the court before her father!
Cymbeline - He Hath Enjoyed Her
Dear Lord baby Jesus, we also thank you for my wife's father, Chip.
Talladega Nights - Dear Lord Baby Jesus
And she's better off with no father than a lying asshole like you!
The Last Kiss - Lying About Cheating
I needed to be by my father's side. After all, he's the only dad I got.
Big Fat Liar - Lying Through Your Teeth
He likes to run, like his father.
Minority Report - Run
And your father needs you to be there...
The Prince & Me - Goodbye
I can tell you to because I'm your father.
I Am Sam - You Are Not Stupid
I think they think of him as a consolation prize for their father.
Bounce - A Smoking Non-Smoker
My father told me to strike first and to strike fast
Here Comes the Boom - Weirdest Date Ever
You know, when my father used to pitch baseballs to me in the backyard,
All Over the Guy - Attraction
My father is a gypsy, and my mother is a witch.
Seventh Son - Sparks in the Moonlight
I am the key to my father's machine.
Van Helsing - He's Alive!
The first story my father told me,
Noah - Creation Sequence
Father and mother of us all.
Noah - Creation Sequence
I was not able to protect my father from you,
Cinderella - Well that is a mistake
Oh, you can't judge people by who their father is, now can you?
Beauty and the beast - Join Me For Dinner
The girl lost her father and her freedom in one day.
Beauty and the beast - Join Me For Dinner
- What can you smell on me? - The night my father died...
Red Riding Hood - Demon Musk
...whose father's been kidnapped...
The Tourist - I'm Elise

Pronuncia audio di Father

Pronuncia americana

Father pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Father pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Father pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Father pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Father pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Father pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Father pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Father pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Father pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Father pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Father pronunciato da Brian (uomo)

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