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Pronuncia di fight in Inglese

  • lotta
  • battaglia
  • rissa
  • zuffa
  • spirito combattivo
  • combattere
  • lottare
  • azzuffarsi
  • picchiare
  • guerreggiare
  • fare a pugni

Esempi dai film con Fight

If you want to pick a fight with your body's sexual chi,
Wanderlust - Open Sexual Boundaries
- You won't mind if I fight back, will you? - Well you think you can manage it?
Legend - Bar Beatdown
I warn you, I'm not gonna fight fair, though.
Legend - Bar Beatdown
A lot of reporters here today, a lot of people interested in this fight.
Cinderella Man - Fighting for Milk
I mean, you... you couldn't win a fight for love or money, right?
Cinderella Man - Fighting for Milk
We must give them hope, pride, a desire to fight.
Enemy at the Gates - Nikita Khrushchev
who fight to be relevant every single day!
Birdman - Relevant
you don't fight for love. you're terrified of it!
Endless Love - You're a Coward
We're having a fight, John. A big fight, at last.
Spanglish - Good Guy, Bad Guy
When somebody gonna take my niece out, I want to know if the nigga can fight.
Bad Boys II - Intimidating Reggie
Somebody might come say something, the nigga can't fight, she can't go.
Bad Boys II - Intimidating Reggie
Only king Leonidas and his personal guard of 300 have marched to fight.
300: Bir Imparatorlugun Yükselisi - My Heart is Persian
If your guys wanted to fight, why didn't they just get married?
The Expendables 3 - Old vs. New
spends his life avoiding the fight because he knows he'll win.
Avengers Age of Ultron - Lifting Thor's Hammer
So what do you think? Should I fight this, or run with it?
Avengers Age of Ultron - Lifting Thor's Hammer
'Cause I got caught up in everything, you know? I got caught up in our fight.
Peter Rabbit - Forgiveness
- How can a woman possibly fight in this? - Fight?
Wonder Woman - Shopping
If we can take some prisoners without a fight, all the better.
The Russians Are Coming! - The Militia

Pronuncia audio di Fight

Pronuncia americana

Fight pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Fight pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Fight pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Fight pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Fight pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Fight pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Fight pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Fight pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Fight pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Fight pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Fight pronunciato da Brian (uomo)