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Pronuncia di god in Inglese

  • divinità
  • idolo

Esempi dai film con God

No. No, it's the pagan god Horus and his mother Isis
The Da Vinci Code - Symbols
humanity and dignity and decency and, God forbid, maybe even humor?
Patch Adams - You Treat a Person
Because God ain't gonna do you no good in this neighborhood.
Coach Carter - First Practice
Oh my God, 'cause you were, like, blackout drunk?
Trainwreck - You Butt-Dialed Me
And I pray to God that he has mercy on your soul, you son of a bitch!
Ray - Stealing From Ray
I should leave walking on water to the Son of God.
Ever After - Contradictions
- God bless you. - I think we're gonna have to do the entire face.
Mrs. Doubtfire - Could You Make Me a Woman?
You may have power now, but you're not God!
Knocked Up - You Old, She Pregnant
No, no, no! My God, not on the rug, please. Eddie, get the doctor.
Six Degrees of Separation - I Was Mugged
Oh, my God. You have no idea what a huge relief that is.
Trainwreck - Sports? I Love Them
Don't you god damn me. Don't you take the lord's name in vain.
Ghost - Oda Mae Demands Respect
Yes, God damn it. I wish you out of the safe.
Leprechaun 2 - Three Wishes
How in the name of God is that possible?
Soapdish - Script Changes
God, they totally threw me. They were such...
Red Eye - Reservation Emergency

Pronuncia audio di God

Pronuncia americana

God pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
God pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
God pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
God pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
God pronunciato da Salli (donna)
God pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
God pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
God pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

God pronunciato da Amy (donna)
God pronunciato da Emma (donna)
God pronunciato da Brian (uomo)