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Pronuncia di idea in Inglese

  • concetto
  • nozione
  • veduta

Esempi dai film con Idea

Personally, I think it's a marvelous idea.
The Founder - Milkshake
I sorta like the idea of teaching. Teaching sounds good.
All Over the Guy - Attraction
Here's an idea: next time, instead of being late, just shit on my face.
Friends with Benefits - Two Break-Ups
- You like bridge. - I do. I like the idea of bridge.
Julie & Julia - I Love to Eat
Had no idea... Because, you see, there is no French cookbook in English.
Julie & Julia - I Love to Eat
Great. No wonder. Hey! Ma and Pa Kettle. I got an idea.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - Harmony Faith Lane
Wait a minute. That's a good idea.
Dawn of the Dead - I'm In
I think it's a damn good idea.
Dawn of the Dead - I'm In
A puffin? Who's the genius who is behind that idea?
Hard Sell - Uncool
Your grandma always thought that game was my idea.
Take Me to the River - It Wasn't My Idea
Oh Maggie, you have no idea how pleased I'm to hear that.
Resistance - The Boys from the Railroad
Like when you first spotted her in the bookstore. Probably her idea, right?
Bewitched - Uncle Arthur
No idea the troubles I've had putting all this together.
Trespass Against Us - I'm Your Family

Pronuncia audio di Idea

Pronuncia americana

Idea pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Idea pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Idea pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Idea pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Idea pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Idea pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Idea pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Idea pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Idea pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Idea pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Idea pronunciato da Brian (uomo)