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Pronuncia di stage in Inglese

  • fase
  • scena
  • stadio
  • palco
  • tappa
  • teatro
  • periodo
  • tempo
  • impalcatura
  • organizzare
  • inscenare
  • allestire
  • rappresentare
  • teatrale
  • scenico

Esempi dai film con Stage

I'm bringing on Jolly Jenkins to stage a whole new show.
Dreamgirls - Deena's Gonna Sing Lead
The stable and self-perpetuating end stage...
Easy A - A Sexy George?
You realize that life isn't some elaborate stage play
Serendipity - Life's Master Plan
Okay? And what you said tonight on-stage...
Date and Switch - Pot Brownie
It's just at the right stage of fermentation. Oh! Here you go.
The Five-Year Engagement - Chewbacca's Cup
You might know him by his stage name, John Wayne.
Mississippi Grind - Tell Me Something
Bird and Diz was doing that on stage every night, on the fly.
Miles Ahead - Classical Music
I'm stage one. I'm taking inhibitors.
Equals - Bug
The beard's in its transitional stage right now,
Mr. Mom - My Brain Is Like Oatmeal

Pronuncia audio di Stage

Pronuncia americana

Stage pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Stage pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Stage pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Stage pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Stage pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Stage pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Stage pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Stage pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Stage pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Stage pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Stage pronunciato da Brian (uomo)