Impara il vero inglese da film e libri.

Aggiungi parole o frasi per imparare ed esercitati con altri studenti.


Pronuncia di suppose in Inglese

  • credere
  • immaginare
  • presupporre
  • ammettere
  • sottintendere

Esempi dai film con Suppose

- I suppose it's true. - Okay. Okay.
Dave - Balancing the Budget
A Lot Like Christmas would be fine, I suppose.
Doubt - Pagan Christmas Songs
I suppose you'd have to ask him.
Doubt - I Am Concerned
Suppose I was looking for a man to make a 2,200-yard cold-bore shot.
Shooter - Mister Rate's Advice
I don't suppose that there's any,
The Beach - Night Swimming
And you're aware, I suppose, that our Lord was Jewish?
An Education - Hard and Boring
I suppose in the dream, dream scenario... I just, uh,
Notting Hill - Questions & Apologies
I suppose you boys may follow me to Muldiss Darton.
Your Highness - The Fair Isabel
I suppose I'm responsible, and for that I'm sorry.
The Bucket List - Find the Joy
I killed my share of English and French, I suppose...
Hart's War - They Had Fathers Too
I suppose this murder would give us a lot of advance publicity and...
Crooked House - Twisting My Words
Suppose... suppose that the men just dump us.
Chi-Raq - All Hold Out
I suppose we could reuse some of the existing stone.
Fifty Shades Freed - Call Me Mrs. Grey
I suppose I am what you might call a hypocrite.
Carrie Pilby - An Honest Therapist
I suppose I could set it up for you. That would save you some money.
The Shawshank Redemption - Tax Advice Scene
Suppose we get down to the truth. You want something from me
Gone with the Wind - Abasing Herself
Eighteen. Nineteen. - I'm suppose to go to Simpsons to sign the papers.
Short Circuit 2 - Manic Robot
I'm anxious about my speech, I suppose. - Of course.
Anomalisa - Did I Do Something Wrong?

Pronuncia audio di Suppose

Pronuncia americana

Suppose pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Suppose pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Suppose pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Suppose pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Suppose pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Suppose pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Suppose pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Suppose pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Suppose pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Suppose pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Suppose pronunciato da Brian (uomo)