Impara il vero inglese da film e libri.

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Pronuncia di what in Inglese

che cosa
  • quali
  • quale

Esempi dai film con What

What do you want, girl? Speak up, it's suppertime.
True Grit - A Man with True Grit
What're you doing with a pistol like that?
True Grit - A Man with True Grit
What do you say ? Don't worry about the boy.
Scent of a Woman - Gray Ghosts
Well, you know what they call me at the home office ?
Scent of a Woman - Gray Ghosts
''Excuse me, Dr. Scholl what wonderful footpads''...
Patch Adams - You Treat a Person
At what point in history did a doctor become more...
Patch Adams - You Treat a Person
What if one of your patients had died ?
Patch Adams - You Treat a Person
I know what you're hoping: that it'll just be a blind thrust fault.
Ocean's Thirteen - Rusty the Scientist
- What is that supposed to mean? - Money!
The Notebook - What Do You Want?
- What are you ta... - He's got a lot of money.
The Notebook - What Do You Want?
- Look at us, we're already fighting. - Well, that's what we do.
The Notebook - What Do You Want?
30 years from now, 40 years from now, what's it look like?
The Notebook - What Do You Want?
if I thought it's what you really wanted.
The Notebook - What Do You Want?
no matter what I do, somebody gets hurt.
The Notebook - What Do You Want?
Would you stop thinking about what everyone wants.
The Notebook - What Do You Want?

Pronuncia audio di What

Pronuncia americana

What pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
What pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
What pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
What pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
What pronunciato da Salli (donna)
What pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
What pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
What pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

What pronunciato da Amy (donna)
What pronunciato da Emma (donna)
What pronunciato da Brian (uomo)