Impara il vero inglese da film e libri.

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Pronuncia di your in Inglese

il tuo
  • tuo
  • vostro
  • suo
  • proprio

Esempi dai film con Your

- Keep your voice down. She's upstairs. - Mom, have you seen my jewelry?
Life After Beth - It's a Resurrection!
Sweetheart, it's in the Bankers Box with your sticker collection.
Life After Beth - It's a Resurrection!
They eat brains, your mother's and your boyfriend's included.
Warm Bodies - You're a Corpse
That's what happened to your mother, and that's what's gonna happen to him.
Warm Bodies - You're a Corpse
Hello, Joseph. How was your first day of freedom?
Oldboy - Chucky
in the course of your miserable existence.
Oldboy - Chucky
when you said that you killed your mother,
The Space Between Us - Get Out
- We need your help. - Of course you do.
The Adventure Club - Ozzie's Shop
Actually, you are. The more I've been listening to your voice,
Operator - Not Your Science Experiment
in seventy percent of your verbal communication.
Operator - Not Your Science Experiment
But I would like to go back to being your wife,
Operator - Not Your Science Experiment
any adverse side effects to your patches?
Hunter Gatherer - Lab Rat
Double your dosage of the patch you've been wearing.
Hunter Gatherer - Lab Rat
It's rare for a male of your age, race
Hunter Gatherer - Lab Rat
Some of the results we are getting from your tests...
Hunter Gatherer - Lab Rat
Just keep living your life the way you normally would.
Hunter Gatherer - Lab Rat
It's not difficult. You just start with your name,
Carrie Pilby - The Enlightened Professor

Pronuncia audio di Your

Pronuncia americana

Your pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Your pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Your pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Your pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Your pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Your pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Your pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Your pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Your pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Your pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Your pronunciato da Brian (uomo)