People in love do funny things

Walk under buses and burn their wings

People like us do nothing right

Talk to the ceiling into the night

Look at the smile in her eyes

I knew I was right in my bones

I feel the turnin' of wheels as it grows

Look at my face in her eyes

Am I right, am I wrong

wheels - koła
their - ich
sitting - posiedzenie
silly - głupi
running - bieganie
people - ludzie
butterflies - motyle
wings - skrzydełka
circles - kręgi
everywhere - wszędzie
ceiling - Sufit
buses - autobusy
never - nigdy
things - rzeczy
alone - sam
bones - kości
feeling - uczucie
along - wzdłuż
believe - uwierzyć
wrong - źle
dream - śnić
given - dany
smile - uśmiech
close - blisko
hands - ręce
forever - na zawsze
nothing - nic
right - dobrze
funny - zabawny
under - pod
games - gry
clock - zegar
grows - rośnie
night - noc

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