You find your life is not quite like what you thought it would be

And you don't know that you can hold the world in your hand

And all the people surrounding you just want what you have

So you've been weak up until now that your soul has been stripped...

Naked in the sand

Pick yourself up, and change

Pick yourself up and change

You couldn't see their faces as they were calling your name

Your head was spinning from the laughter of strangers to you

You turned around, your head in your hands as confusion sets in

Was just madness you felt, no more hearts will be broken...

turned - obrócony
treasures - skarby
thought - myśl
their - ich
yourself - siebie
stripped - obnażony
strangers - obcy
sadness - smutek
quite - całkiem
pleasure - przyjemność
people - ludzie
patience - cierpliwość
world - świat
demands - wymagania
counts - liczy
unworthy - niegodny
confusion - zamieszanie
madness - szaleństwo
command - rozkaz
changing - wymiana pieniędzy
lived - Mieszkał
broken - złamany
given - dany
wishes - Życzenia
hands - ręce
about - o
until - aż do
around - na około
surrounding - otaczający
change - Zmiana
spinning - spinning
hearts - kiery
would - by
calling - powołanie
laughter - śmiech
dying - umierający
faces - twarze
holding - trzymać
still - nadal
grant - dotacja
unsavoury - niesmaczny
granted - zgoda
naked - nagi

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