The butter melts out of habit

The toast isn't even warm

The waitress and the man in the plaid shirt

Play out a scene they've played

So many times before

I am watching the sun stumble home in the morning

From a bar on the east side of town

And the coffee is just water dressed in brown

Beautiful but boring

He visited me yesterday

He noticed my fingers

And asked me if I would play

I didn't really care a lot

But I couldn't think of a reason why not

lured - zwabiony
living - życie
habit - nawyk
scene - scena
involved - zaangażowany
fingers - palce
accidents - wypadki
plaid - pled
coffee - kawa
really - naprawdę
define - definiować
yesterday - wczoraj
played - grał
closer - bliższy
asked - spytał
before - przed
thighs - Uda
because - bo
boring - nudny
friends - przyjaciele
brown - brązowy
meantime - w międzyczasie
melts - topi się
dressed - ubrany
noticed - zauważył
beautiful - piękny
built - wybudowany
shirt - koszula
times - czasy
morning - ranek
water - woda
place - miejsce
reason - powód
right - dobrze
anymore - już
something - coś
think - myśleć
watching - oglądanie
definition - definicja
stumble - potknąć się
there - tam
toast - toast
wound - rana
visited - odwiedzone
insured - ubezpieczony
butter - masło
waitress - kelnerka
would - by

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