Rush hour

And the day's dawning

The rain came

And pushed me under the awning

The puddles grew and threw themselves at me

With every passing car

I'm shielding my guitar

And there were some things that I

Did not tell him

There were certain things

He did not need to know

And there were some days

When I did not love him

He didn't understand me

And I don't know why

I didn't go

He said change the channel

I've got problems of my own

I'm so sick of hearing about drugs and AIDS

would - by
wearing - ma na sobie
understand - zrozumieć
under - pod
thighs - Uda
there - tam
themselves - sami
train - pociąg
awoke - obudził się
awning - markiza
nights - noce
wandered - wędrował
disengage - odłączyć
sheets - pościel
sneaking - skradanie się
threw - rzucił
could - mógłby
things - rzeczy
people - ludzie
enrage - rozwścieczyć
channel - kanał
change - Zmiana
certain - pewny
laugh - śmiech
alarm - alarm
chains - więzy
drugs - leki
downtown - śródmieście
disguise - przebranie
before - przed
expected - spodziewany
without - bez
against - przeciwko
passing - przechodzący
black - czarny
about - o
dawning - świt
boots - buty
every - dejte pozor
homes - domy
leather - skórzany
guitar - gitara
buckles - klamry
looked - spojrzał
spent - wydany
morning - ranek
pushed - popychany
problems - problemy
puddles - kałuże
reach - dosięgnąć
remains - szczątki
summer - lato
shielding - zastawianie
silent - cichy
still - nadal
stained - poplamione
hearing - przesłuchanie
sympathize - współczuć

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