I would have returned your greeting

If it weren't for the way you were looking at me

This street is not a market

And I am not a commodity

Don't you find it sad that we can't even say hello

'Cause you're a man

And I'm a woman

And the sun is getting low

There are some places that I can't go

As a woman I can't go there

And as a person I don't care

I don't go for the hey baby what's your name

And I'd alone thank you

Just the same

I am up again against

The skin of my guitar

In the window of my life

Looking out through the bars

I am sounding out the silence

would - by
words - Słowa
window - okno
thrown - rzucony
girls - dziewczyny
advancing - postęp
against - przeciwko
street - ulica
getting - coraz
father - ojciec
looking - patrząc
different - różne
until - aż do
again - jeszcze raz
forced - wymuszony
commodity - towar
grade - stopień
heard - słyszał
guitar - gitara
balls - kulki
alone - sam
behave - zachować się
greeting - powitanie
afraid - przestraszony
never - nigdy
ranks - Szeregi
behind - za
woman - kobieta
hello - cześć
close - blisko
market - rynek
other - inny
person - osoba
place - miejsce
social - społeczny
there - tam
places - miejsca
maybe - może
preciously - cennie
thank - podziękować
enough - dość
avoiding - unikanie
totem - totem
returned - zwrócony
should - powinien
silence - cisza
despite - pomimo
sounding - sondaż
story - fabuła
through - przez

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