I hated it every time, the captain's still in my head
The shadow predicts the fall, one last war and then never again
My back to the wall, my back to the wall foreseeable when
Can I compete, can I compete, can I have permission?
To dream, come clean, you are the problem
To dream, come clean, you are the problem
You're the solution, you are the problem
You're the solution, you are the problem
Find a quiet spot, take your best shot
A private paradise, your private paradise
When life is too long
When life is too long but still too short
I hated you every time, but I never wanted you more
whore - kurwa
wasting - zmarnowanie
wanted - chciał
straight - proste
solution - rozwiązanie
short - krótki
quiet - cichy
problem - Problem
slowly - powoli
predicts - przewiduje
private - prywatny
poison - zatruć
permission - pozwolenie
loved - kochał
process - Proces
killing - zabicie
hated - znienawidzony
every - dejte pozor
almost - prawie
never - nigdy
foreseeable - do przewidzenia
myself - siebie
compete - rywalizować
drown - utopić
still - nadal
again - jeszcze raz
sucker - przyssawka
ruining - zrujnować
burning - palenie
destroying - niszczenie
change - Zmiana
drinking - picie
shadow - cień
paradise - raj
dying - umierający
clean - czysty
gonna - gonna
inside - wewnątrz
counting - rachunkowość
chemical - chemiczny
dream - śnić
everything - wszystko
filled - wypełniony
itself - samo
habits - zwyczaje
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