I was on my way to the center of the sun
When I lost my wings and fell into a crowd
And they carried me to the hole in the ground
And they buried me
Where no one could see
And no one would be around
I am a virus, I live in silence
I was on my way to a city in the clouds
would - by
wings - skrzydełka
where - gdzie
virus - wirus
three - trzy
thinking - myślący
cries - płacze
steps - kroki
toward - w kierunku
could - mógłby
carried - realizowane
silence - cisza
clouds - chmury
heathens - poganie
dream - śnić
believe - uwierzyć
center - centrum
around - na około
buried - pochowany
island - wyspa
crowd - tłum
seems - wydaje się
forgot - zapomniałem
ground - ziemia
remembering - pamiętając
graveyard - cmentarz
lepers - trędowaci
settle - rozstrzygać
survives - przetrwa
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