Face the day and face the night

Hold you close and hold you tight

Did I keep you satisfied or did I let you down?

Bullet trains and aeroplanes

Blowing from the south

Are you someone's baby now

Fields of green and oceans blue

Sweeter things and bitter fruits

Only make me think of you

Yeah, waiting in the sky

Hurricanes and fire flames

Never brought you down

Are you someone's baby now

When you look in, in the mirror

yourself - siebie
yellow - żółty
years - lat
waiting - czekanie
trains - pociągi
tight - mocno
sweeter - słodszy
streets - ulice
shadows - cienie
satisfied - zadowolona
south - południe
roses - róże
feeling - uczucie
fields - pola
oceans - oceany
close - blisko
taught - nauczony
sound - dźwięk
buried - pochowany
between - pomiędzy
bullet - Kula
blowing - dmuchanie
bitter - gorzki
clearer - jaśniejsze
shattering - przygniatający
night - noc
heaven - niebo
fruits - owoce
flames - Płomienie
golden - złoty
hurricanes - huragany
green - zielony
think - myśleć
things - rzeczy
ground - ziemia
light - lekki
little - mało
mirror - lustro
mamma - mama
brought - przywiezione
never - nigdy

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