Like a Jester at the ball
Rubbed my shoulders with the kings
And I was draped in gold and velvet
Bathing in applause while I was jumping through the rings
Then the cooks would sound a bell
And all the kings would lick their lips
But I couldn't find a place mat
The dinner table's full and there's no room for me to sit
Is there anybody out there looking out for me?
Just say you want me, just say you need me
Is there anybody out there looking out for me?
Lord, I live to entertain
would - by
while - podczas gdy
vibration - wibracja
there - tam
their - ich
strum - brzdąkanie
sound - dźwięk
shoulders - ramiona
shoes - buty
shatter - roztrzaskać
rubbed - przetarł
rings - pierścienie
tears - łzy
pride - duma
praise - pochwała
chord - akord
fingers - palce
bones - kości
again - jeszcze raz
along - wzdłuż
dinner - obiad
anybody - ktoś
could - mógłby
bathing - kąpielowy
fucking - pierdolony
applause - oklaski
doorway - wejście
place - miejsce
cooks - kucharze
entertain - bawić
draped - nanoszone
velvet - aksamit
every - dejte pozor
jester - błazen
jumping - skoki
through - przez
kings - królowie
looking - patrząc
never - nigdy
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