Here we are again
and we're looking at each other as if each other were to blame.
You think you're so smart, but I've seen you naked
and I'll probably see you naked again.
MillI Vanilli told you to Blame it On The Rain
but if you blame it on the rain tell me
what can be gained so, if all else fails you can blame it on me.
If all else fails you can blame it on me.
If all else fails you can blame it on me.
If all else fails blame it on me.
If all else fails you can blame it on me.
waxing - woskowanie
traitor - zdrajca
today - dzisiaj
thousand - tysiąc
think - myśleć
something - coś
sometimes - czasami
smile - uśmiech
probably - prawdopodobnie
poetic - poetycki
other - inny
maybe - może
smart - mądry
enough - dość
confession - wyznanie
anything - byle co
chorus - chór
again - jeszcze raz
naked - nagi
milli - mili
miles - kilometry
among - pośród
ahead - przed siebie
supposed - domniemany
gained - zyskał
alright - w porządku
given - dany
absence - brak
falling - spadanie
fungus - grzyb
forgive - przebaczyć
games - gry
heart - serce
blame - winić
father - ojciec
hundred - sto
looking - patrząc
fails - nie
makes - czyni
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