I didn't ask to be famous, but I'm not sore.
'Cause you can see my face in the window of every store.
You can buy my lunch box, and you can wear my clothes,
You can remember my name just as plain as the face under your nose.
I'm a new kid on the Block,
'though I may not be Johann Sebastian Bach.
So we may not write the songs we sing,
but look at Elvis, he sold his soul and
you crowned him King.
I didn't ask to be famous, but I'm not sad,
You see, I've got everything that I always wished I had.
write - pisać
heart - serce
giving - dający
girls - dziewczyny
hairdresser - fryzjer
famous - sławny
always - zawsze
night - noc
everything - wszystko
every - dejte pozor
elvis - elvis
curls - loki
young - młody
afraid - przestraszony
scream - krzyk
three - trzy
wished - chciał
fight - walka
window - okno
apple - jabłko
broke - zepsuł się
blast - podmuch
block - blok
draft - wersja robocza
might - moc
counter - Licznik
crowned - koronowany
there - tam
clothes - ubranie
laughed - zaśmiał się
daughter - córka
lunch - lunch
thought - myśl
youngest - najmłodszy
plain - równina
beautiful - piękny
twenty - 20
register - zarejestrować
remember - zapamiętaj
trouble - Kłopot
sebastian - sebastian
screaming - krzycząc
songs - piosenki
sorry - przepraszam
start - początek
store - Sklep
manager - menedżer
thank - podziękować
under - pod
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