Walking to the other side

With the devil trying to take my mind

And my soul's just a silhouette

On the ashes of a cigarette

Illusions never fake their lies

Trick cards fool the eye

Carry zeroes over 'til they add up

Bury tears in the chapters you shut

Sometimes the jail can't chain the cell

And the rain's too plain to tell

All alone by a barren well

The scarecrow's only scaring himself

wanted - chciał
trying - próbować
treasures - skarby
their - ich
strength - Wytrzymałość
sometimes - czasami
trick - sztuczka
silhouette - sylwetka
pulling - ciągnąc
other - inny
never - nigdy
miles - kilometry
walking - pieszy
might - moc
clothes - ubranie
slave - niewolnik
chapters - rozdziały
chain - łańcuch
zeroes - zera
clouds - chmury
tears - łzy
beneath - pod
crows - wrony
ashes - proch
froze - zamarł
barren - jałowy
comfort - komfort
carry - nieść
devil - diabeł
digging - kopanie
scaring - strach
cigarette - papieros
fingers - palce
cards - karty
gives - daje
grave - Grób
watch - zegarek
alone - sam
ground - ziemia
piles - hemoroidy
junkyard - złomowisko
himself - samego siebie
plain - równina
illusions - iluzje

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