Urban Hipster, the new gangster... frontin' by the club

New wave mannequins packin' haircuts, instead of packin' guns

Magazines form overseas, won't teach you how to feel

They trade in their hearts for indie rock charts to tell them what is real

When did they assume... putting on a costume?

Gave them a right to... ostracize

Out of the woodwork... art aficionados

Answer one question...

Where is the line? Where is the line?

Between your fashion and your mind

Where is the line? Where is the line?

'Cause some of us aren't blind!

Where is the line? Where is the line?

To be yourself is not a crime

yourself - siebie
woodwork - stolarka
without - bez
where - gdzie
urban - miejski
indie - indie
gangster - gangster
forgotten - zapomniany
smile - uśmiech
costume - kostium
question - pytanie
haircuts - fryzury
aficionados - Miłośnicy
alone - sam
trade - handel
blind - ślepy
fashion - moda
about - o
answer - Odpowiedź
between - pomiędzy
thing - rzecz
conformity - konformizm
bored - znudzony
mannequins - manekiny
charts - wykresy
assume - założyć
truth - Prawda
bites - Ukąszenia
acting - gra aktorska
instead - zamiast
local - lokalny
magazines - czasopism
hearts - kiery
teach - nauczać
ostracize - wykluczać z towarzystwa
hipster - hipster
street - ulica
trends - trendy
overseas - za granicą
pretending - udawanie
store - Sklep
dressing - ubieranie się
record - rekord
crime - przestępstwo
putting - kładzenie
right - dobrze
sells - sprzedaje
sting - żądło
their - ich
today - dzisiaj
tomorrow - jutro

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