Big stretch and not much sleep

I got a couple of plam trees on each side of my cheek

And it's a bright blue Saturday

And the rummage sells the rubbish to me

But if I could buy the sky that's hangin'

Over this bed of mine

If I could climb these vines

And maybe see what you're seein'

If you were standing on the corner staring straight

Into the eyes of Jesus Christ

One porch, one dog, one cockroach only way to be

I got sewage fruit and it's growing out back from roots

I don't know if they belong to me

But if I could buy the sky that's hangin'

vines - winorośli
understand - zrozumieć
twenty - 20
trees - drzewa
pillow - poduszka
myself - siebie
today - dzisiaj
easier - łatwiejsze
three - trzy
pockets - kieszenie
could - mógłby
corner - kąt
bright - jasny
porch - Ganek
rummage - grzebać
below - poniżej
buried - pochowany
yesterday - wczoraj
walking - pieszy
cockroach - karaluch
sleeps - śpi
fruit - owoc
christ - Chrystus
viewed - oglądać
armed - uzbrojony
straight - proste
climb - wspinać się
belong - należeć
sewage - ścieki
building - budynek
maybe - może
roots - korzenie
cheek - policzek
should - powinien
gonna - gonna
couple - para
sleep - sen
stretch - rozciągać
question - pytanie
piece - kawałek
rubbish - śmieci
shoes - buty
staring - gapiowski
think - myśleć
jesus - Jezus
saturday - sobota
sells - sprzedaje
growing - rozwój
standing - na stojąco
shade - cień
stories - opowieści
these - te
together - razem

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