We don't wear that uniform

Paper men from pages torn

Right off the press (it could be Tass)

Suits for the regime

The media's gone and had a baby

Seventh wave, another navy

I live in America

Gridlock on the street

Tell that girl you like her badge

Tell that man you're the Nazz

Tell me you're not the last walking in parade

Dressed to test you up the road

Tighter than the lightest clothes

Close the circle, walk in row

Walking in parade

Why don't you walk like me?

walking - pieszy
uniform - mundur
tighter - mocniej
suits - garnitury
street - ulica
stick - kij
standard - standard
today - dzisiaj
secret - sekret
right - dobrze
regime - reżim
references - referencje
watch - zegarek
press - naciśnij
parade - parada
paper - papier
politic - polityczny
close - blisko
pages - strony
change - Zmiana
never - nigdy
circle - okrąg
carrying - niosąc
around - na około
clothes - ubranie
america - Ameryka
badge - odznaka
seventh - siódmy
school - szkoła
another - inne
colour - kolor
cycle - cykl
under - pod
tomorrow - jutro
going - chodzenie
could - mógłby
dressed - ubrany
gridlock - blokada
looked - spojrzał
imported - importowany
lightest - lżejszy
marrying - żonaty
millionaire - milioner

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