(If you're sleeping are you dreaming

If you're dreaming are you dreaming of me?

I can't believe you actually picked me.)

(”Hi Justin, this is your mother, and it's 2:33 on Monday afternoon.

I was just calling to see how you were doing.

You sounded really uptight last night.

It made me a little nervous, and a l... and... well... it made me nervous, it sounded like you were nervous, too.

I just wanted to make sure you were really OK,

And wanted to see if you were checking in on your medication.

You know I love you, and...

Take care honey

I know you're under a lot of pressure.

See ya. Bye bye”)

I have to block out thoughts of you so I don't lose my head

They're crawling like a cockroach leaving babies in my bed

Dropping little reels of tape to remind me that I'm alone

Playing movies in my head that make a porno feel like home

There's a burning in my pride,

A nervous bleeding in my brain

An ounce of peace is all I want for you

Will you never call again?

And will you never say that you love me

Just to put it in my face?

And will you never try to reach me?

It is I that wanted space

Hate me today

Hate me tomorrow

Hate me for all the things I didn't do for you

Hate me in ways

Yeah, ways hard to swallow

Hate me so you can finally see what's good for you

I'm sober now for three whole months,

whole - cały
waging - prowadzenie
voices - głosy
uptight - spięty
until - aż do
trying - próbować
thoughts - myśli
things - rzeczy
thank - podziękować
sleeping - spanie
shadows - cienie
remind - przypominać
reels - szpulki
thing - rzecz
sober - trzeźwy
reach - dosięgnąć
yelling - wrzeszczał
playing - gra
picked - doborowy
pressure - nacisk
peace - pokój
wanted - chciał
ounce - uncja
night - noc
never - nigdy
nervous - nerwowy
cross - krzyż
street - ulica
children - dzieci
crawling - pełzanie
suicidal - samobójczy
compliment - Komplement
under - pod
doubted - wątpił
cockroach - karaluch
finally - wreszcie
fucking - pierdolony
space - przestrzeń
calling - powołanie
block - blok
tomorrow - jutro
today - dzisiaj
bleeding - krwawienie
actually - tak właściwie
takes - trwa
brain - mózg
accomplishment - osiągnięcie
afternoon - popołudnie
myself - siebie
every - dejte pozor
alone - sam
babies - dzieci
smile - uśmiech
helped - pomógł
honey - kochanie
whispered - szepnął
always - zawsze
sounded - zabrzmiał
checking - kontrola
again - jeszcze raz
really - naprawdę
apart - niezależnie
believe - uwierzyć
shine - połysk
opinions - opinie
doing - robić
burning - palenie
holding - trzymać
while - podczas gdy
whatever - cokolwiek
three - trzy
dreaming - marzy
leaving - odejście
warped - wichrowaty
behind - za
drive - Napęd
crying - płacz
dropping - rzut
movies - kino
fight - walka
monday - poniedziałek
heart - serce
justin - justin
swallow - łyk
porno - porno
kicking - kopanie
leave - pozostawiać
pride - duma
little - mało
medication - lek
mistake - błąd
months - miesiące
touch - dotknąć
mother - mama

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