(So I've done a lot of comedy, so let's, uh, take a little break from that...and this is just a song that, if you'll just indulge me it's, uh yeah)

She was the perfect woman, in every single way,

She made the sun shine brighter, and all my cares go away.

She was the perfect woman, she was a gourmet chef,

They say that love is blind, well it's also deaf.

Cause Helen Keller was the perfect woman, and no one understands,

just how talented she was with her hands...UGH.

God made her the perfect woman, I was the finishing touch.

She was the perfect woman cause she didn't talk so much.

worker - pracownik
understands - rozumie
still - nadal
stared - gapił się
single - Pojedynczy
naked - nagi
played - grał
perfect - idealny
miracle - cud
keller - Keller
cares - troska
brighter - jaśniej
blind - ślepy
finishing - wykończeniowy
touch - dotknąć
gourmet - smakosz
cared - troska
cause - przyczyna
horribly - potwornie
better - lepszy
shine - połysk
asked - spytał
house - dom
there - tam
alright - w porządku
chewbacca - Chewbacca
around - na około
finally - wreszcie
turned - obrócony
marry - żenić się
every - dejte pozor
comedy - komedia
little - mało
could - mógłby
woman - kobieta
wanted - chciał
talented - utalentowany
indulge - pobłażać
break - Przerwa
guess - odgadnąć
hands - ręce
think - myśleć
helen - helen

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