When she said

"Don't waste your words, they're just lies"

I cried she was deaf

And she worked on my face until breaking my eyes

Then said, "What else you got left"

It was then that I got up to leave

But she said, "Don't forget

Everybody must give something back

For something they get".

I stood there and hummel

I tapped on her drum and asked her how come

And she buttoned her boot

And straightened her suit

Then she said, "Don't get cute"

So I forced my hands in my pockets

And felt with my thumbs

And gallantly handed her

My very last piece of gum.

words - Słowa
waited - czekał
wheelchair - wózek inwalidzki
tried - wypróbowany
jamaican - jamajski
hallway - korytarz
forget - zapomnieć
better - lepszy
handed - wręczony
finding - Odkrycie
walked - chodził
floor - piętro
waste - marnotrawstwo
until - aż do
drawer - szuflada
leaned - pochylił się
crutch - krocze
forgotten - zapomniany
asked - spytał
everybody - wszyscy
against - przeciwko
forced - wymuszony
through - przez
worked - pracował
after - po
never - nigdy
covered - pokryty
hummel - Hummel
loved - kochał
breaking - łamanie
knocked - zapukał
cried - - zawołał
outside - na zewnątrz
sense - sens
buttoned - zapinane
clear - jasny
leave - pozostawiać
picture - obrazek
something - coś
piece - kawałek
thumbs - kciuki
screamed - krzyczał
where - gdzie
shirt - koszula
stood - stanął
hands - ręce
straightened - wyprostowane
filled - wypełniony
tapped - tapped
there - tam
brought - przywiezione
thought - myśl
gallantly - uprzejmie
pockets - kieszenie
threw - rzucił

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