It's been such a long long time

Since we loved each other and our hearts were true

One time, for one brief day, I was the man for you

Last night I heard you talkin in your sleep

Saying things you shouldn't say, oh baby

You just may have to go to jail someday

Is there a place we can go, is there anybody we can see?

Maybe it's the same for you as it is for me

I ain't seen my family in twenty years

That ain't easy to understand, they may be dead by now

I lost track of em after they lost their land

Shake it up baby, twist and shout

You know what it's all about

years - lat
world - świat
whole - cały
wasted - zmarnowany
walked - chodził
understand - zrozumieć
twist - skręcać
twenty - 20
turned - obrócony
trains - pociągi
tracks - utwory
track - tor
things - rzeczy
these - te
while - podczas gdy
their - ich
family - rodzina
secrets - tajniki
eastern - wschodni
cover - pokrywa
shame - wstyd
crashed - rozbił się
apologize - przepraszać
burned - spalony
think - myśleć
glasses - okulary
broke - zepsuł się
right - dobrze
disguise - przebranie
cried - - zawołał
aisle - przejście
anybody - ktoś
stopped - zatrzymany
after - po
heard - słyszał
running - bieganie
doing - robić
feelings - uczucia
enemy - wróg
forty - czterdzieści
because - bo
behind - za
tears - łzy
saying - powiedzenie
anyway - tak czy inaczej
sleep - sen
apart - niezależnie
brains - mózg
brief - krótki
heart - serce
loved - kochał
friend - przyjaciel
maybe - może
there - tam
someday - pewnego dnia
frosty - mroźny
about - o
other - inny
hearts - kiery
miles - kilometry
talkin - mówić
shake - potrząsnąć
night - noc
place - miejsce
shout - krzyczeć
since - od
souls - dusze

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