A single red rose and a table for two

a nice chardonay and an ocean view

ships comin in and stars comin out

we sat and we talked till the place closed down

then we took a long walk down on the beach

her in that white dress and her bare feet

we stopped and we watched the lighthouse light

and pulled her close and i held on tight

and i said to myself

it doesnt get better than this

no it doesnt get better than this

and it did

it did

whoa it did

fastforeward to that next spring

we were lookin for a preacher

pickin out rings

family comin in and friends comin out

to that white church on the outskirts of town

walkin - wejść
traffic - ruch drogowy
tight - mocno
thinkin - myślę
there - tam
tears - łzy
table - stół
sweet - słodkie
stopped - zatrzymany
stars - gwiazdy
spring - wiosna
somethin - coś
delivery - dostawa
doesnt - nie robi
church - Kościół
start - początek
crazy - zwariowany
watched - oglądaliśmy
comin - comin
white - biały
flyin - Flyin
anything - byle co
friends - przyjaciele
beach - Plaża
doctor - lekarz
dress - sukienka
beside - oprócz
aisle - przejście
through - przez
little - mało
lookin - patrząc
family - rodzina
angel - anioł
right - dobrze
daddy - tatuś
better - lepszy
butterflies - motyle
comes - pochodzi
smile - uśmiech
close - blisko
fightin - walczyć
closed - zamknięte
interstate - międzystanowy
lifted - wzniesiony
talked - rozmawiał
every - dejte pozor
myself - siebie
lighthouse - latarnia morska
light - lekki
preacher - kaznodzieja
cries - płacze
months - miesiące
outskirts - peryferie
nearly - prawie
pickin - pickin
place - miejsce
single - Pojedynczy
later - później
pulled - pociągnął
rings - pierścienie
ocean - ocean
runnin - Runnin
ships - statki

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