You let me in to your life unaware that there was magic and fire in the night

And back then I was just a little boy

I made mistakes that caused you so much pain

All I know is that I'm older now

Some people think that it's best to refrain from the conventions of old-fashioned love

Their hearts are filled with holes and emptiness

They tell themselves that they're too young to settle down

Girl I promise you I'm older now

And this has been hard enough on you

I know it's been hard enough on me

In telling myself that I can roll with the changes

And when the water gets high above your head

Darling don't you see,

While this has been hard enough on you

would - by
magic - magia
before - przed
talking - mówić
holes - dziury
hearts - kiery
myself - siebie
filled - wypełniony
fashioned - fashioned
begin - zaczynać
flood - powódź
enough - dość
times - czasy
emptiness - pustka
mistakes - błędy
above - powyżej
themselves - sami
looking - patrząc
telling - wymowny
build - budować
getting - coraz
another - inne
water - woda
night - noc
young - młody
caused - powodowany
changes - zmiany
unaware - nieświadomy
darling - kochanie
these - te
conventions - konwencje
dreams - marzenia
little - mało
settle - rozstrzygać
older - starsze
promise - obietnica
tonight - dzisiejszej nocy
where - gdzie
built - wybudowany
refrain - refren
stand - stoisko
people - ludzie
spread - rozpiętość
sweet - słodkie
thoughts - myśli
while - podczas gdy
their - ich
there - tam
think - myśleć
thought - myśl
walls - Ściany

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