First one in the city

Wearin' all those grass stained jeans

Nothing is forgotten, everyone is pleased.

Someone got his hair cut

The girls have lots to say

His friends had felt more comfortable

With it worn the other way

And I don't know if I'll see you again.

Next one at the old house

Snow is on the ground

wrong - źle
toasts - tosty
those - te
takes - trwa
stained - poplamione
smiles - uśmiecha się
round - okrągły
pleased - zadowolony
someone - ktoś
photographs - fotografie
passed - minął
complete - kompletny
nothing - nic
highway - autostrada
through - przez
comments - komentarze
comfortable - wygodny
blows - wieje
other - inny
everyone - każdy
again - jeszcze raz
miles - kilometry
absent - nieobecny
missed - nieodebranych
dying - umierający
around - na około
another - inne
except - z wyjątkiem
first - pierwszy
house - dom
forgotten - zapomniany
their - ich
friend - przyjaciel
friends - przyjaciele
jeans - dżinsy
gather - zbierać
girls - dziewczyny
grass - trawa
ground - ziemia

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