She is running

A hundred miles an hour in the wrong direction

She is trying

But the canyon's ever widening

In the depths of her cold heart

So she sets out on another misadventure just to find

She's another two years older

And she's three more steps behind

Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?

Or does anybody even knows she's going down today

Under the shadow of our steeple

With all the lost and lonely people

looms - krosna
every - dejte pozor
lofty - wysoki
steeple - wieża kościelna
shelter - schron
walks - spacery
knows - wie
misadventure - nieszczęśliwy wypadek
momentary - chwilowy
years - lat
lonely - samotny
trying - próbować
heart - serce
gives - daje
going - chodzenie
herself - się
under - pod
judgement - osąd
glances - spojrzenia
behind - za
affection - tkliwość
never - nigdy
direction - kierunek
widening - poszerzanie
anybody - ktoś
found - uznany
another - inne
letter - list
shadow - cień
charming - uroczy
depths - otchłań
older - starsze
reason - powód
wrong - źle
miles - kilometry
people - ludzie
hundred - sto
yearning - tęsknota
prince - książę
lapse - pomyłka
running - bieganie
scarlet - szkarłat
tucked - schowany
searching - badawczy
steps - kroki
three - trzy
today - dzisiaj

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