We want our coffee in the lobby
We watch our worship on a screen
We got a Rockstar preacher
Who won't wake us from our dreams
We want out blessings in our pockets
We keep our missions overseas
But for the hurting in our cities
Would we even cross the street?
Huh but we wanna see the heart set free and the tyrants kneel
The walls fall down and our land be healed
But church if we want to see a change in the world out there
It's got to start right here
It's got to start right now
Lord, I'm starting right here
Lord, I'm starting right now
I'm like the brother of the prodigal
Who turned his nose and puffed his chest
people - ludzie
coffee - kawa
sunday - niedziela
overseas - za granicą
lobby - lobby
hurting - boli
would - by
chest - klatka piersiowa
start - początek
heart - serce
monday - poniedziałek
heaven - niebo
dreams - marzenia
pride - duma
blessings - Błogosławieństwa
street - ulica
missions - misje
cities - miasta
brother - brat
forgive - przebaczyć
world - świat
change - Zmiana
church - Kościół
cross - krzyż
walls - Ściany
preacher - kaznodzieja
puffed - bufiasty
prodigal - marnotrawny
surrender - poddanie się
healed - wyleczył się
right - dobrze
pockets - kieszenie
towers - wieże
screen - ekran
there - tam
shoes - buty
starting - startowy
watch - zegarek
kneel - klęczeć
starts - zaczyna się
still - nadal
called - nazywa
turned - obrócony
tyrants - tyrani
walked - chodził
wanna - chcę
worship - kult
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